April 9th, 2015

Status Staffing Website: Front End Design

Status Staffing Website Front End Design - I was asked to design a website for HR and recruitment company Status Staffing. The brief was to work closely with the programmer and brand manager to develop a website that would not only provide relevant information about the company and how to contact them, but also to design two interactive blog elements that would form submenus on the website. The first blog element allows for potential candidates to search available job posts, view Status Staffing staff interviews and advice to entry-level job-seekers and the ability to register one’s C.V. in order to be notified of future job posts relevant to the candidate’s CV. The second blog element centres on meaningful content regarding the world of work as it applies to entry-level and Gen-Y job-seekers through unique, fun and relevant content such as a bespoke corporate comic strip about a young boy called Lwazi (which I continue to write and illustrate myself on a regular basis) among other helpful articles and content. The website focuses on individual staff members and HR recruiters themselves with photo sections, interviews and social media contact points.